【同义词辨析】 2020-03-02 说话say-state
say: basically means to articulate words: ~ each word carefully and clearly; but it may be used in reporting something voiced: he ~ he would be home soon; or in implying the fact of putting in speech OR writing: be careful what you ~ to that man. (articulate口齿清晰的,善于表达的,口齿清晰地表达implies the use of language which exactly and distinctly reveals or conveys what one seeks to express,如questioned the validity of the criticism from a critic who is himself hardly articulate评论家自身口齿不清,他的评论因而受到质疑) voice虽然表示人的语音,但作为动词时,也可以表示书面表达,所以say也可以引用书面表达
utter: stresses the use of the voice and the act of putting into spoken words: ~ed a faint response; and is appropriate for reference to vocal sounds other than words: ~ a hoarse laugh. 嘶哑沙哑的
tell: stresses the imparting of an idea or information and may refer to either spoken OR written communication OR other method to present an idea: an attempt to ~ the story of her life. (impart告知传授=tell,如the ability to impart knowledge and command respect is the essential qualification for teachers具备传授知识并赢得尊敬的能力是对教师的基本要求)
state: may replace say when the added implication of clearness and definiteness is needed: ~ one's objections to a proposal. definite就是clear, 就像specific就是detailed,请死记
say说: 意思是清晰说话;或表示引语;或表示口头或书面表达,utter说出声: 强调口头表达,还可用于声音(而非语言),tell告诉: 强调传递信息想法,可以是口头书面或其它,state声明: 强调清晰地说话
记忆方法: 1)首字母想成SUTS,重组成US Top Secret美国顶级机密<==说话 "话"是形声字,从言舌声,本义是"言语"。话一般指说出来的能表达思想的字句的声音,但也可指记录下来的文字,如说话会话对话情话话题。另外,还引申为动词,表示"说,谈论",如话别话旧话柄茶话会 "说"的意思是"用话表达意思",是会意字,从言从兑,表示"言辞以兑付",如说话说明解说演说说服。说还是古代一种"议论文体",既可说明记叙事物也可发表议论,但都是为了陈述作者对社会上某些问题的观点。如爱莲说捕蛇者说师说,小说可能来源于此
"言"本义是"说话",是在舌字上加一横而成的指事字,就像在"刀"上加一点变成为"刃"一样好理解。引申为"所说的话"或"对应的文字",如言语言论方言寓言人微言轻 "语"从言吾声,本义和"言"相同即"说话",如汉语语录谚语俚语语重心长 在古代,语言有区别: "言"指"主动和人说话",如言论桃李不言言之凿凿同心之言欲言又止;"语"指"回答别人的问话或和人谈论事情",如论语观棋不语语焉不详。现在除了一些成语以外,语和言完全通用,如方言粤语中的言语是一个意思,都表示"说话"
"字"本义是"新生婴儿身上的记号"叫作字。子是声旁和形旁,表示小孩后代,宝盖头宀是安的省略,表示房子。后来将所有类似记号统称为"字" "文"从字形上看是一个站立的人,本义是"文身"。文是"纹"的古字,表示有花纹。现代汉语中"水文""天文"的"文"字也是指自然界中某些呈"纹路状"的现象; <说文解字序>中说 "仓颉之初作书,盖依类象形,故谓之文,其后形声相益,即谓之字",是说最早的书写符号只有形状,称为"文",后来形状声音兼用,称为"字"
2)说话的意思是用语言表达mean to put into words.